Sunday, February 25, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

ich möchte mich hiermit bei udo, eva, monica, jule und anna bedanken - auch für das schöne lied, daß mir die jule während der blutabnahme gesungen hat.

unsere angeregte diskussion über thrombozyten, leukozyten etc...hat mich veranlaßt, wieder mal in gewissen büchern nachzulesen....

die tatsache, daß die thrombozytenspender fernsehen und geld bekommen haben, hat mich ein wenig nachdenklich gestimmt, auch die diversen fragebögen, die auszufüllen waren, aber naja....................

also thank you to julian for this beautiful idea!

liebe grüße

Friday, February 9, 2007

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

On the 14th February 2007, Nottingham based artist Julian Hughes will invite artists and members of the public to join him to donate a pint of blood.
Julian is seeking Hosts so that the project can be facilitated in cities and towns both nationally and internationally.
The role of the host.
To work closely with your local Blood Donor centre
Marketing and documentation of the event which will be uploaded to a pre designed Blog, which will link to all participating hosts.
If you are interested in becoming a Host in your City
please contact Julian
Tel: 07789848201

11 people joined Julian Hughes for a pint on Valentines Day 2006, at Nottingham’s Blood Donation Centre, England

8 Pints of blood were donated
3 Participants were unable to donate.
1 Person sat and waited for her boyfriend.

Questions and dilemmas.

‘I wasn’t sure if it was an art event’
‘Do you actually give blood?’
‘I’m very squeamish’
‘I don’t think I can in my condition’
‘I have a phobia of needles’
‘I am working that night’
‘Won’t you be spending the evening with your girlfriend?’
‘Oh, I’ve heard about that….’
‘I am very interested in Julian's work, but I am in Glasgow when it happens.’

Thank you to all the staff at Nottinghams Castle Boulavard Donor centre, England.